Adrian Maier ha scritto:

I am trying to write a program that is embedding the python interpreter
in order to execute python code.  I don't need to transfer values between
pascal and python.

you welcome!

If you are using Lazarus on Windows, I can send you the core units of Python for Delphi adapted in order to be compiled with Lazarus (not yet usable under Free Pascal only).


If you need using pure Free Pascal (RTL+FCL), or are on Linux or MacOS, this has to be done in other ways, but the P4D library is the model to follow.

There is another idea to explore:
With Python 2.5 there is a module named "ctypes" that allows calling DLL functions from Python. And we know how to build a DLL with FPC, true?.

I (on windows) and my friend (on Linux) are actually working in order to make some experiment and documentation about this matter. If you could partecipate and help...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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