On 13 jun 2007, at 11:26, Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Sorry, but this view is too "terminal-centric" as far as I am concerned.
That's not something you want to tell users of a GUI app. Or even
programmers, for that matter. I really don't see a reason why this
should not be configurable by the programmer himself.

Well, then something with the design is wrong. Ansistrings are per
definition strings which use the default 8 bit encoding of the

The problem is the definition of "environment". What libiconv considers as environment (some terminal environment variables) does not necessarily match the api's you are using in your program.

Putting always utf-8 into them is abusing them and that's
why there is an utf8string type in the system unit.

I'm not saying that they should always contain utf-8, but that the programmer should be able to control this. It's also not just about explicitly using ansistrings, but also about constant strings. If you have

api_which_expects_utf8_string(p: pchar)

and do


then you'd like a way for that constant string to be passed as utf-8 in all cases without needing to put utf8encode() calls everywhere in your program (especially if all api routines I use expect utf-8, which is pretty much the case on Darwin/Mac OS X).

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