On 12 Aug 2007, at 19:13, JK Smith at Grid-Sky wrote:

Note that extremely unlikely that things will happen just because you
say/think they are important. In most commercial project it depends
on whether you represent a lot of money which threatens to disappear
if your requirements are not met, because money is the primary value

I'm under no illusions about that. I am convinced that these are necessary projects for the future though. To imply that it is unlikely that they won't happen just because I think they're important simply means that you aren't convinced of their value. Respectfully, I believe you'll change your mind on
this in the future.

It mainly means that I have plenty of other, imho at least equally important, things to do already :) Such as fixing bugs in the codebase which is already there (which keeps growing and therefore requires more and more maintenance, especially since the number of developer hours available does not grow with it at a similar pace), adding support for Objective Pascal (needed to remain viable on Mac OS X), and adding support for LLVM (needed to support many different processors which we otherwise can never properly support, and also nice to profit from other's people work on low level optimizations).

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