On Mon, 3 Dec 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 03/12/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Google's GMail is awesome!!!   The search engine is called, Tipue.
> > It's implemented in JavaScript and is pretty easy to add to fpdoc
> > output.
> >
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/tipue/
> >
> Here is a sample search page of Tipue working with the fpGUI docs.
> The tip_data.js file is what needs to be generated.
> If you specify     --html-search=../search.html        in the fpdoc
> command line, it will add a Search link in the header of your
> generated HTML files.

Ahem. Can you imagine what would happen if I would create a full-text 
search data result file for the FPC docs ?? You could go and have a 
cup of coffee while your browser tries to parse the thing... 

... Only to find it stopped with an 'out of memory' error.
So it had better be a damn good cup of coffee :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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