> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Florian Klaempfl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > platform independent but fast applications is really ugly having fixed
> > types.
> Well, then you mean that it requires conversion in some platforms
> rather then it not being cross-platform.
> What I am trying to say is that the new proposed systems will be
> harder to use, trying to please everyone everywhere with a perceived
> performance gain without any indication that this gain will actually
> be significant in real world applications. It uses an exotic solution,
> never tested before.

C/C++ support the native encoding on all platforms.
> The speed difference in LCL-Qt apps and LCL-Gtk apps is negletible,
> althougth we do string conversions when using Qt. Because the
> manipulation of strings is usually not a bottleneck.

That's because it doesn't do that much string processing, compared to
e.g. iterating through a db-export and transforming it. That should be the
norm for a native unicode type, not an UI.
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