Thank you for your reply.

Eclipse was first released as a Java development IDE several years ago, but
if you take a look at the Eclipse web site you'll see that
since then Eclipse has evolved and been extended to support Ruby, Python,

The suggestion I was making is there is a very large base of programmers,
developer, and others  who now use Eclipse as their primary IDE in much the
same way UNIX folks use emacs and
if there were a Eclipse FPC plugin they could discover and learn the


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:58 AM, Marco van de Voort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In our previous episode, Prince Riley said:
> >
> > Like ti weigh in on this thread in the discussion regarding increasing
> the
> > GUI-ness of FP.
> > Has anyone looked into writing an Eclipse plug-in for FP (as an was done
> for
> > Python and Ruby)?
> Afaik there was a more editor like plugin at one time. But at that time
> designer support only existed for C++ and Java. Haven't heard much since.
> > Given the huge base of Eclipse users this might be a way to reach the
> goal
> > with both a better developer tool and plugging into a big audience of
> > potential users.
> Afaik most Eclipse users use Java?
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