On 24 Jul 2009, at 09:55, Jonas Maebe wrote:

Trying to validate "1,2" (notice the comma - danish decimal separtor style) with val resulted in returning code = 2, i.e. that comma is the problem. Stepping through the code, it seem that in "fpc_Val_Real_ShortStr" the decimal separator is hardcoded to ".".
Is this a bug or is this just the way "val" is intended to work?

It is the way val is intended to work. Use 

Oops, it's http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/sysutils/strtofloat.html of course. Or http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/sysutils/trystrtofloat.html if you don't want an exception if the conversion fails.


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