On 19 Sep 2009, at 10:36, Micha Nelissen wrote:

Jonas Maebe wrote:
on x86 too). Atomic operations are not memory barriers by themselves, and the fact that you perform an atomic operation does not mean that afterwards all cpu's will immediately see this new value.

Explain? Isn't the point of an atomic update that it doesn't matter whether the other CPU has seen the value yet? Or are we talking about different values?

Yes, sorry for being unclear. One problem is that unless all of the data to which the queue elements point is also only loaded/stored using atomic operations, it is possible that the popping cpu will see different values than those intended the pushing cpu (because their caches may not yet have been syncronised). So at least for the pop you need a full memory barrier. There are probably more issues. Here's a page with several different atomic queue implementations for ppc, and all of them contain some form of barrier: http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?AtomicSQ

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