On Thursday 29 October 2009 14:00:53 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi,
> Do I create a memory leak if I cast a PChar it a AnsiString. Then
> append text to the AnsiString and then cast it back to the original
> PChar?
> eg:
> var
>   Text: Pchar;    <-- global var containing text.
> procedure AppendText(const AText: string);
> var
>   s: string;
> begin
>   s := Text + AText;
>   Text := PChar(s);
> end;
> I'm busy converting a old program from OS/2 days that used PChar
> exensively. I'm slowly but surely converting this code to AnsiString.
> But as a quick fix, am I allowed to do what is shown above? Without
> causing memory leaks or something else?

Text points to garbage after AppendText() because s will be freed at end of 

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