Hello, Graeme!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 1:03:22 PM, you wrote:

> And how do I solve this compiler hint?  Normally I use FillChar(), but here it
> made no difference. The hint no simply moved to the line containing FillChar()
> call. :-(

> /home/graemeg/programming/3rdParty/DCPcrypt/dcpblockciphers.pas(229,16)
> Hint: Local variable "Temp" does not seem to be initialized

>   p2:= @Outdata;
>   FillChar(Temp, SizeOf(Temp), 0); // <-- I added this to no affect
>   for i:= 1 to Size do
>   begin
>     TempByte:= p1^;
>     EncryptECB(CV,Temp);          // <- original hint was here
>     p2^:= p1^ xor Temp[0];
>     Move(CV[1],CV[0],8-1);
>     CV[7]:= TempByte;

That compiler hint appears because you have not assigned a value to the variable
Temp before passing it to a function as a parameter. You can pay no attention to
that hint or switch off hints in your code where the hint is produced, if it
really bothers you.

Best regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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