Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:

I often hear of developers using FPC on 64-bit Linux. My development
machine is the same.  But I can't say I have ever heard of anybody using
64-bit Windows with FPC.

Does FPC support 64-bit Windows? If so, is it stable (like 64-bit Linux) or
still experimental?

I use FPC to compile Win64 DLLs. No Problems with the compiler so far, only had some problems with UIB and DCPCrypt, but nothing which couldn't easily resolved...

I normally use FPC on an 64-Bit Ubuntu and crosscompile to windows 32 and 64 or Windows 32 to compile to Win64 - an Win64 Installation I never used for compilation.

What I never tested was LCL on Win64, but I think this is not an important option for you, Graeme *g*...



software security networks
Lukas Gradl <>
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