Am 05.10.2010 21:08, schrieb Bernd Kreuss:
On 05.10.2010 20:55, Bernd Kreuss wrote:
I see this error message now exactly once, immediately *after* the DLL
has been unloaded by the host application.

Correction: I see it after my log output within my finalization section,
it might still be in the final stages of DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.

Where exactly is the finalization (the finalization section in my source
code) hooked into? is it Dll_Process_Detach_Hook?

If I remember correctly, yes. Search for "fpc_do_exit" in the rtl/ directory (and the methods called from there).

On a sidenote: The critical section should not be necessary, because DllMain is called serialized by the OS (according to ).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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