Am 07.12.2010 12:12, schrieb Matt Emson:
On 07/12/2010 10:46, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
Still not ideal, however.

Well, no. As Android targets any processor - not just ARM. Indeed, there
are Intel based versions. Native is bad, and only come in to existence
to compete with other platforms with purely native compilation - and
then purely to counteract criticisms on the performance of games and
multimedia apps. Davlik was created for a reason - compile once, run on
multiple targets. Would it not be a better solution to create a Dalvik
back-end? As I understand it, Dalvik is very, far from a traditional
stack based Java VM and closer to a traditional register based processor
in design. I know little about it, but the benefits of Android, as a
platform, are completely lost when one focuses on native compilation.

I don't see it that problematic to create a Dalvik code generator (or a normal Java or CIL one). The biggest problem is to create a suitable RTL and to be able to use the classes that are provided by the VM.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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