On Wed, 26 Jan 2011, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

As a comparative beginner, I still find myself stumbling across RTL functions that I've previously hand-coded.

Is there an easy way of generating a complete permuted index from the one-line descriptions of the functions in the RTL (and optionally FCL and LCL)?

Shortly said: no.

For example, can I rapidly get all function descriptions with "space" as part of the description, which could subsequently be filtered (e.g. if I were interested in text operations I could quickly ignore anything with "file" in the description)?

Copy2Space     Returns              first space character
Copy2SpaceDel  Deletes              first space character
DelSpace       Delete                   a space from
DelSpace1      Reduces                 of space characters
DelSpace1      Reduces                  1 space character
IntToBin       Converts         inserting spaces at
IsEmptyStr     Check     disregaring whitespace characters

That's somewhat abbreviated so that it's not screwed too badly by wrap.

Creating such an index requires additional keywords, which are simply not
present now.

That said, I am still looking for a good search engine *written in Object
pascal* for the FPC html docs. Any hints/tips are appreciated.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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