On 27-7-2011 12:26, michael.vancann...@wisa.be wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> Suggestions for additional XML export formats are welcome.
> Well, I have 2 on my wishlist:
> 1. The format used by Delphi's TClientDataset ?
Ok, I've used that one once... so I could give it a shot...

> 2. Atom feeds as used by Google.
> Feel free to take a shot at it :-)
Do you mean the 0.3 format -
or the 1.0 format?

Would of course be interesting to map fields to atom entries - I suppose
you could use fields that have the same names such as title, subtitle,
id, updated - but there are hierarchical elements: link, subelements
inside an entry... that would require multiple datasets in FPC
(something like the ADO.Net dataset concept that includes the
possibility of multiple tables, including parent/child relationships...


Just to make sure I understand correctly - I'm still a Lazarus newbie -
there isn't support for such a parent/child tables kind of dataset
(group) in FPC/Lazarus/Delphi, is there?
(I did see an ftDataSet field type so maybe that could be a clue?)

Would you perhaps have an example of a dataset/table and the resulting
XML you want to see?
> I will look at it tonight, together with your CSV dataset improvements.
> I'll also adapt the lazarus data desktop to include the new export format.
> In each case, thank you very much for your efforts; It's really hugely
> appreciated !
> Michael.
Great, thanks
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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