I'm new to OSX so bear with me. Something has changed but I can't tell
what. The consequence is that my Lazarus/FPC generated OSX applications
are now missing their "window dressing"?

It's like the OSX window manager has gone AWOL when I run my Lazarus
apps. That is, the apps run fine but they run without a window title and
they are located under the desktop menu, top left of the screen, from
where they cannot be relocated.

What's missing? What am I doing differently? How does Lazarus/FPC manage
this stuff apropos the OSX window manager? I've done a clean rebuild
thinking there may be something wrong with the Application Bundle
previously created by Lazarus but recreating it does not seem to make
any difference.

Cheers, Bruce.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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