Marco van de Voort schrieb:
> We have placed the first release-candidate of the Free Pascal Compiler
> version 2.6.0 on our ftp-servers.

Here some issues I found:

The text mode IDE states under "Help":  Copyright (C) 1998-2009 by...
Shouldn't this be  "1998-2011"?

When I now try to compile a short test program with the IDE I get: "Error: Illegal parameter: -Cp386"
This was a setting I used before. Has this been changed?
When I remove this parameter and try again I get:
"Fatal: Unable to open file D:\vpascal\FreePascal\fp.cfg"
"Fatal: Compilation aborted"
The file exists and was used on the first compiler run but it seems it was not closed properly on error.


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