
This question is mostly directed to Benjamin since I think that few
people work here with JNI, but I thought that the answer (if I get
one) is of general usage.

So, basically I am now trying to explore JNI, but my application
crashes right in the start, inside JNI_OnLoad:

function JNI_OnLoad(vm:PJavaVM;reserved:pointer):jint; cdecl;
  __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,'nativetest','JNI_OnLoad called');
  if curVM^^.GetEnv(curVM,@curEnv,JNI_VERSION_1_4)<>JNI_OK then begin
failed'); <- never shows
//    result:=JNI_ERR;
//    exit;

What amazes me is that everything looks perfect. I verified the jni
bindings against my jni.h from the ndk and I couldn't find any error.
I can even access CurVM^^.reserved0 and also the value of GetEnv as a
pointer (see all values in the log bellow), but still it crashes

I searched google and I couldn't find people having issues with that
in C / C++, only when people create their own threads, but my
application is absolutely not creating any threads.

The full source for testing is
lazarus-ccr/bindings/android-ndk/examples/jnitest just uncomment the
code inside JNI_Onload

Another thing that puzzles me is that in
lazarus-ccr/bindings/android-ndk/examples/jnitest I could call the
method IntFromJNI even while nearly everything from JNI_OnLoad is
commented, but when I try to call this method (which is in
LCL-CustomDrawn, not in that example):

function Java_com_pascal_jnitest_AndroidJNITest_LCLDrawToBitmap(
    env:PJNIEnv;this:jobject; width, height: jint; abitmap: jobject):
jint; cdecl;

Then I get a Java error that the routine could not be found ... very
strange, it should fail in both cases because none of them achieves
registering the methods.

D/dalvikvm(14150): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1701 objects / 120544 bytes in 412ms
I/ActivityManager(  102): Starting activity: Intent {
act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.pascal.lcltest/.LCLActivity }
I/ActivityManager(  102): Start proc com.pascal.lcltest for activity
com.pascal.lcltest/.LCLActivity: pid=15168 uid=10072 gids={}
I/JNI     (15168): Trying to load liblclapp.so
D/dalvikvm(15168): Trying to load lib
/data/data/com.pascal.lcltest/lib/liblclapp.so 0x44929a80
W/Rosie   (22307): mAddHtcWidgetByOtherActivity = false,
mIsOpenSlideWhenLeaveLaunch = true
D/dalvikvm(15168): Added shared lib
/data/data/com.pascal.lcltest/lib/liblclapp.so 0x44929a80
I/nativetest(15168): JNI_OnLoad called
I/nativetest(15168): CurVM=AA00
I/nativetest(15168): CurVM^=80889094
I/nativetest(15168): CurVM^^.reserved0=0
I/nativetest(15168): CurVM^^.GetEnv=808890AC
I/DEBUG   (   69): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
I/DEBUG   (   69): Build fingerprint:
I/DEBUG   (   69): pid: 15168, tid: 15168  >>> com.pascal.lcltest <<<
I/DEBUG   (   69): thread: .pascal.lcltest
I/DEBUG   (   69): signal 4 (SIGILL), fault addr 8083e098
I/DEBUG   (   69):  r0 0000aa00  r1 be966738  r2 00010004  r3 80889094
I/DEBUG   (   69):  r4 8083e099  r5 0000cd58  r6 810aefb0  r7 000a6238
I/DEBUG   (   69):  r8 80813e00  r9 0000cd58  10 41056c04  fp be966774
I/DEBUG   (   69):  ip afa030c8  sp be9666d8  lr 810e23fc  pc 8083e098
 cpsr 00000010
I/DEBUG   (   69):          #00  pc 0003e098  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):          #01  lr 810e23fc
I/DEBUG   (   69):
I/DEBUG   (   69): code around pc:
I/DEBUG   (   69): 8083e078 fffe8475 6904b510 1c202101 fbd8f009
I/DEBUG   (   69): 8083e088 21071c20 fbd4f009 bd104800 00010006
I/DEBUG   (   69): 8083e098 1c16b570 f0091c0d 4b0dfb47 20031c04
I/DEBUG   (   69): 8083e0a8 2e0518f6 2c00d812 602cd101 2101e009
I/DEBUG   (   69): 8083e0b8 f0091c20 6ba0fbbd 60282107 f0091c20
I/DEBUG   (   69):
I/DEBUG   (   69): code around lr:
I/DEBUG   (   69): 810e23dc e3a02801 e3822004 e51b0038 e51b3038
I/DEBUG   (   69): 810e23ec e5933000 e5934018 e1a0e00f e1a0f004
I/DEBUG   (   69): 810e23fc e3500000 159f2198 159f117c 13a00004
I/DEBUG   (   69): 810e240c 1bff32d2 e59f218c e59f116c e3a00004
I/DEBUG   (   69): 810e241c ebff32ce e59f1180 e51b003c e51b203c
I/DEBUG   (   69):
I/DEBUG   (   69): stack:
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966698  afa0109d  /system/lib/liblog.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be96669c  afa012f1  /system/lib/liblog.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666a0  00000000
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666a4  00000004
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666a8  be9666a4  [stack]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666ac  00000001
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666b0  81367514
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666b4  0000000b
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666b8  002377cc  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666bc  00000018
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666c0  b000c4a8  /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666c4  8088a018  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666c8  0000cd58  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666cc  810aefb0
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666d0  000a6238  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666d4  810e23d8
I/DEBUG   (   69): #00 be9666d8  41056c04
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666dc  b0001dbb  /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666e0  b00134dc
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666e4  00000000
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666e8  002377cc  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666ec  0023777c  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666f0  00237814  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666f4  00000000
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666f8  808890ac  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be9666fc  002377ac  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966700  00000000
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966704  8088a018  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966708  0000cd58  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be96670c  810aefb0
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966710  000a6238  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966714  80813e00  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be966718  0000cd58  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (   69):     be96671c  41056c04
I/ActivityManager(  102): Process com.pascal.lcltest (pid 15168) has died.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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