> On 28.11.2011 21:25, nore...@z505.com wrote:
>>> Am 14.11.2011 02:32, schrieb nore...@z505.com:
>>>> First I thought I would post this to the mailing list to ask you what
>>>> the
>>>> proper way to program with threads is. If we must call closethread on
>>>> MS
>>>> Win machines but not unix machines, then something needs to change to
>>>> make
>>>> the threading in the RTL more cross platform (and all the docs would
>>>> need
>>>> to mention things about closethread if it is needed).
>>> The bug was already mentioned here
>>> http://mantis.freepascal.org/view.php?id=13160 and fixed for 2.2.2.
>>> "CloseThread" was implemented in a cross platform way.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sven
>> Hmm, but the compiler I'm using right now is a 2.4 and I think there is
>> a
>> leak if I don't call closethread.
> That is exactly my point: CloseThread was implemented because of that
> leak (see the comments in the bug issue I linked to).

I see. I think I found some documentation that still doesn't include
CloseThread in the examples.. I will send patches or recommendations to
the documentation soon.  For example closethread is now documented as a
function, but some of the other pages that show threading examples just
use endthread. I thought maybe closethread somehow was tied into endthread
but this not the case.
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