Perhaps, the issue has no a happy end for all, but for me, that don't use Lazarus and I won't have to do it due FPCUnit, everything is fortunatelly OK. It would be unconfortable to install many megabytes to use almost nothing. Now, I am happy with Freepascal.
In the future, it's not impossible that I need FileUtils and Clipboard. But
 When it comes, I will think about. Until there, FPC is complete for me.

Em 08-01-2012 10:06, Rainer Stratmann escreveu:
Am Sunday 08 January 2012 02:17:29 schrieb Luciano de Souza:
I have downloaded a Lazarus deb package compatible with FPC 2.4.4. I try
to install with: "sudo dpkg -i *". It fails, so: "sudo apt-get install -f".
This was already some time discussed here and in my opinion this is the
bottleneck of working with freepascal on linux.
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