Jonas Maebe schrieb:
> That's a non sequitur:
> a) even though the original code was written a long time ago, it has been changed many times since then > b) if it isn't broken, don't fix it. Example: changing all occurrences of "string" into "shortstring" will break the system unit. > The reason is that a "var a: string" is an "openstring" parameter (with a hidden "high" parameter that tells you the size of > the variable that was passed in), while "var a: shortstring" is not. So at the very least, you'd have to change var/out
> parameters into openstring rather than into shortstring.

As far as I know you can pass ShortString of any size to a ShortString of maximum length (255). So I don't see how "var a : ShortString" would lead to errors. But of course, you need to be careful.

Nevertheless, I would rewrite such code. Even at the danger of breaking something else (which would hopefully appear directly) I would consider clear code so important that I would not rely on some compiler switch (that may change some day) to make it run. Especially because *if* the compiler switch is changed it would not strike you immediately. It would run a long time until someone (by accident) has a path longer than 255 characters. And then it would not raise an exception (which would point you to the cause) but it would overwrite other data and then crash at a completely unrelated instruction (or just lead to wrong results).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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