On 2/25/2013 02:31, silvioprog wrote:
2013/2/25 Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislag...@gmail.com

    On 25-2-2013 6:34, Eric Kom wrote:
     > Good day,
     > Please what is a difference between .pp and .pas files extension?

    As Ralf said: 2 letters. I have the idea .pp was used in the past to
    differentiate from other Pascal compilers, while .pas is used more
    commonly now.


... and, .pas is commonly found code of units (e.g.: yeahbaby.pas -> unit
yeahbaby;); .pp is commonly found code that generates the executable (e.g.:
ohgod.pp -> program ohgod;).

i like that! hahehehe... in my experience with lazarus projects, it is the lpr file that generates the executable but that also depends on the project settings which may specify a different name for the executable...

for instance:
DOS: foo.exe
OS2: foop.exe
WIN: foow.exe
LNX: fool.exe or just foo or fool


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