In the end I stuck in code to increment/decrement a counter, and looked for it to be explicitly 0 or 1.

Do you need to put a memory barrier around that, or does the critical section take care of that?

On 10/06/2013 06:55 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
On Sun, 6 Oct 2013, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Is there a preferred way of reading back whether something (including the current thread) has already entered a TCriticalSection?

To my knowlede this does not exist.

The Microsoft implementation of a critical section has TryEnterCriticalSection, but I do not know how portable or useful that is.

I think that one's generally available, but it looks as though it does the same as TCriticalSection.TryEnter.

In the end I stuck in code to increment/decrement a counter, and looked for it to be explicitly 0 or 1.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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