Sorry for the late reply.


  This is indeed a packaging error.

I managed to build a IDE containing GDB 7.4 library.


  Nevertheless, before changing the

in dist/2.6.4/i386-go32v2/separate/

and the content of the files at 

dist/2.6.4/i386-go32v2/ level.


  I would like you, if possible to test this executable out and report

if debugging is really functional (ideally on a true dos machine…)

I was only able to test the resulting executable under windows XP.


  I uploaded the new binary as a compressed zip file named

in dist/2.6.4/i386-go32v2/separate/.

  Note that this is a huge file (9Mb zipped, and 28Mb unzipped,

which contains full debugging information of fp.exe itself,

including for the libgdb.a library).


  It would be most helpful if you (or someone else)

could test this IDE on bare Dos and report if debugging is functional.

If this is the case, I will modify and the big zip files in
dist/2.6.4/i386-go32v2/ directory.


  Thanks in advance and sorry for the error.



Pierre Muller




De :
[] De la part de Lubomír Cabla
Envoyé : lundi 17 mars 2014 20:54
À : FPC-Pascal users discussions
Objet : [fpc-pascal] FPC 2.6.4 for GO32


Maybe I'm doing something wrong but in the IDE from FPC 2.6.4 for GO32 is
GDB missing.


Always I get "No debugger support available".


Thank you for your help.


Lubomir Cabla

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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