On 02/11/14 16:37, Bee wrote:
> Minggu, 02 November 2014, Jonas Maebe <jonas.ma...@elis.ugent.be
> <mailto:jonas.ma...@elis.ugent.be>> menulis:
>     On 02/11/14 15:43, Bee wrote:
>     > "I'm an old pascal lover who feels left alone on Apple platform
>     because
>     > FreePascal/Lazarus are no longer Apple friendly like they used to be."
>     How was FPC more "Apple friendly" in the past than it is now?
> Do I really need to answer this? It's just my email signature. :)

I assume you didn't put it there in the hope that nobody would ever
notice it or ask questions about it. If you did in fact hope that, then
there are probably more effective approaches than posting it to the
fpc-pascal mailing list, where the people who are personally responsible
for this alleged degradation (or at least for not addressing it) are


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