This was cross posted to the Lazarus forum and there are a few more interesting links added there:,26419.0.html

On 11/10/2014 10:43 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:
On 26-Sep-2004 Kristofer Skaug wrote (links below to messages): "You
want mission critical? Consider the infrastructure for the Rosetta comet
chaser, that will need to stay operational until 2014-2015." and he
wrote: "Yep, we make these things... using BCB for all the
"on-the-bare-iron" programming tasks."

Interesting stuff to go back and read with things currently happening:

On 05/05/2014 11:22 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:
On 05/05/2014 04:36 AM, Michael Schnell wrote:
Thanks to the maintainers of fpc and all other list members for much
insight I got during these years !

And I thank you Michael for bringing these issues up!  I'm glad to learn
a little more from your recent messages.

This sort of reminds me of my favorite threads (on exceptions) back in
2001.  The main point is that there are critical industrial uses of
Delphi where things are *much* different than the normal Windows
database app.  Here are two messages that are related:

Best regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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