Am 2015-06-21 um 16:25 schrieb leledumbo:
but the documentation says that it is always Longint.
Can someone please correct this as it causes a lot of confusion.
fpdoc parser understands and interprets compiler directives, so it can't
display something that's defined differently for each platform.
Then something is wrong with how the documentation is "generated" (shouldn't it 
be written by a human?).
A documenation of a type that has different meanings on different platforms 
should tell about this.
That's what a documentation is for!

As you can see, we have *nix units documented online/downloadable but the 
others don't.
How should I know that these documentations are for *nix only?
They don't say this anywhere.

The description can be used to explain further, but the source cannot.
the source still displays 32-bitism (= DWord), but the description says
bitness neutral explanation ("size of a pointer" is CPU dependent).
That is totally missleading and makes the "documentation" useless.
It does not inform about all side effects which IMO is the purpose
of a documentation. Otherwise I can also guess (and try).
I would expect that the "source" part is manually written in the same
way as the "description" part.
What is the use of writing contradicting statements like these into a 

"Unsigned integer type with same size as Pointer."
"type PtrUInt= DWord 

What size is PtrUInt? The same as a pointer or DWord?
They differ on 64 bit systems.

Keep in mind that the documentation is for those people
who do *NOT* know (for sure) what these types mean.
All others would not read it anyway.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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