On Thu, 08 Oct 2015 22:01:49 +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<markmll.fpc-pas...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
>> Sorry for causing a problem here...
>> The lists you refer to are not present in the Gmane newsserver as a
>> newsgroup so I cannot access it.
>I suggest setting up a direct subscription using the instructions given 
>at http://www.freepascal.org/maillist.var  Things like Gmane are really 
>only useful as long-term archives.

Well, I don't like to have my inbox receive the number of emails on a
list like this. The new interface is a much better way in my view.
I already receive 100+ emails every day so doubling this seems not to
be a good way for me....

>> I will try to locate an updated pigpio.pas file by asking in the
>> Lazarus forum instead.
>I would strongly suggest going through /sys/class/gpio first, since you 
>can exercise it using  echo  and there are fewer things to get wrong.

I have seen you mention "echo" a number of times and I have gone back
(in the Gmane gmane.comp.compilers.free-pascal.general news archive in
my newsreader) to locate the exact method for this but I failed.
And I am a total noob in this low level handling of Linux...
I will continue searching for your echo examples after I return home

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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