Bo Berglund wrote:

- Version control
We use CVS at our company since 14-15 years, so I installed cvsnt on
the RPi in order to use that against our company server. I had done
this on a Linux Mint 13 virtual machine earlier.
Problem: With the Pi I did not manage to set up the VPN connection to
the company so I would be able to use it.
This is a showstopper.

That's unfortunate but I don't have sufficient VPN experience to be able to offer a fix (and this isn't the right place to try to thrash it out). However I don't see why it should be happening, the RPi- particularly the RPi2- is basically "just a computer" and stuff that runs on a PC should run happily on it- /unless/ Raspbian has fouled up NetworkManager (which I normally disable since it breaks various networking things that I want to run) or systemd configuration.

I notice that there is now a pukka Debian for the RPi2 (/not/ for the original RPi) and intend to investigate it because there are far too many services exposed by Raspbian to make it a viable platform for e.g. a firewall or mailserver.

- Copy/Paste
When asking about things here I wanted to copy code off the Pi and
paste it on my PC. But TinyVNC and Lazarus do not work well together
so if I Copy in Lazarus I have to first paste inside the VNC window
into a text editor, only then is it possible to also paste in the PC.

As I've said repeatedly, sort out your SSH so that you can tunnel an X session over it. That will fix your C&P problems.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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