Am 2016-05-10 um 17:48 schrieb Tony Whyman:
I don't think this is what I meant as StringCodePage is a unicode string 
function. I am looking at the single byte string types.

On 10/05/16 14:15, Bart wrote:
It already is [part of the string type.
See the StringCodePage function.

Codepages are not restricted to Unicode.
They can be others too (although it should only be used if unicode is no option 
for some reason).
Ansistring is single byte and can contain non-unicode codepages.


The code page of a shortstring is implicitly CP_ACP and hence will always be 
equal to the current value of DefaultSystemCodePage.


These types are the same as the old PChar/Char types. In all compiler modes 
except for /{$mode delphiunicode}/, PChar/Char are also still aliases for 
PAnsiChar/AnsiChar. Their code page is implicitly CP_ACP and hence will always 
be equal to the current value of DefaultSystemCodePage.

     PWideChar/PUnicodeChar and WideChar/UnicodeChar

These types remain unchanged. WideChar/UnicodeChar can contain a single UTF-16 
code unit, while PWideChar/PUnicodeChar point to a single or an array of UTF-16 
code units.

In /{$mode delphiunicode}/, PChar becomes an alias for PWideChar/PUnicodeChar 
and Char becomes an alias for WideChar/UnicodeChar.


These types behave the same as in previous versions:

 * /Widestring/ is the same as a "COM BSTR" on Windows, and an alias for 
UnicodeString on all other platforms. Its string data is encoded using UTF-16.
 * /UnicodeString/ is a reference-counted string with a maximum length of 
high(SizeInt) UTF-16 code units.


AnsiStrings are reference-counted types with a maximum length of high(SizeInt) 
bytes. Additionally, they now also have code page information associated with 

The most important thing to understand about the new AnsiString type is that it both 
has a declared/static/preferred/default code page (called /declared code page/ from 
now on), and a dynamic code page. The declared code page tells the compiler that when 
assigning something to that AnsiString, it should first convert the data to that 
declared code page (except if it is CP_NONE, see RawByteString 
<> below). The 
dynamic code page is a property of the AnsiString which, similar to the length and 
the reference count, defines the actual code page of the data currently held by that 


CP_ACP: this value represents the currently set "default system code page". See #Code 
page settings <> for 
more information.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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