On Wed, 11 May 2016, Jonas Maebe wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote on Wed, 11 May 2016:

On Wed, 11 May 2016, Marco van de Voort wrote:

I don't like that. The 3.x idea is to get rid of manual conversions and
hack-and-convert-it-as-you-go encoding management, not just rebadge the old
practices to rawbytestring.

You may not like it, but there is simply no other choice:

Since you don't know what the receiving program does with the receives
arguments, all attempts to guess it are erroneous by definition.

It will either interpret them according to the code page specified by the environment, or not perform any interpretation at all. In both cases, converting the arguments to the code page of the environment is the right thing to do.

And in the case it makes an assumption of the code page, regardless of
environment variables ?

(don't say that doesn't happen. It does, I know a programmer that does so)

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