Graeme Geldenhuys wrote on Wed, 11 May 2016:

On 2016-05-11 13:27, Jonas Maebe wrote:
If you change the string to unicodestring (since
FPC 2.6.4 does not know {$modeswitch unicodestring}), you should get
the same results in FPC 2.6.4 and FPC 3.x

No, because FPC 2.6.4 doesn't do automatic encoding conversions.

FPC 2.6.x and FPC 3.0 perform exactly the same automatic encoding conversions when assigning that ansistring property to a unicodestring variable in your test program.

I would
first have to add UTF8Decode() calls wherever I assign known UTF-8 data
to a UnicodeString.

If you do the same in FPC 3.0, you will get exactly the same results as in FPC 2.6.x.

With FPC 2.6.4 I never use UnicodeString. Like with Lazarus LCL, I use
AnsiString with a UTF-8 payload. I define a new type which I use in my
application to remind me of that fact.

First, you start with a warning about how no one should use FPC 3.0 with the String type, because it completely changes the behaviour compared to FPC 2.6.x due to automatic conversions in the RTL and FCL. When it is clear that is not true, you are now saying that the behaviour of FPC 3.0 is different to FPC 2.6.x if you compile different code with each one.

Well, yes: if you use different code in FPC 2.6.x and FPC 3.x, then you can indeed get very different behaviour.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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