LacaK wrote:
Hi *,
is it possible inline also methods of objects (not regular procedures) ?
I have very simple class method, which call I need inline.
(looking at assembler code it is not inlined; I have looked also in documentation, but I do not found article about inline and methods)


function T2DArray.Data(x, y: integer): PElement; inline;
  Result := @FArray[x+y*Fx];

I thought it was, and believe that in the past I've been told that it was a useful optimisation aid hence in my code I find e.g.

Setters marked "inline" are trivial except for an assertion to check the
parameter range. Most of the associated code will be optimised away if
assertions are ignored by the compiler. *)

[Sorry, I've got this bad habit of commenting stuff which some people frown on. But I think that for something like this- i.e. /why/ something is being done- it's justified.]

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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