On 10/31/2016 1:12 PM, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
Am 30.10.2016 um 19:11 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
On 2016-10-30 17:24, Sven Barth wrote:
Same here...
First Lazarus, now FPC. Can we not switch fpc-pascal to a NNTP newsgroup
I used NNTP years ago the last time. How does marking read messages work when 
reading a group with
multiple devices (mobile, tablet, notebook, pc)?
It doesn't. You need to download, read and mark each message on each device separately. Ever since IMAP has become the predominant email protocol, as servers are no longer short on storage space, there isn't much actually that REALLY makes a point against mailing lists.

For me, it is far more convenient than usenet, as I can receive emails for mailing lists on a separate email address, on multiple devices, which would sync automatically, as they are all set up to use IMAP, messages get automatically filtered into the right folders. The only disadvantages that I see at time is the issue of attachments and posting messages with screenshots for example, which doesn't work (well) on usenet either and is pretty much an advantage of using a forum in most cases...

The issues with emails not showing up is commonly due to the sender playing some shenanigans (intentionally or not), not by the system in general. And the threshold for spam is lower on a mailing list as well, as there is usually more of a vetted signup process than on usenet (where there is none).


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