On Fri, 9 Dec 2016, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
Why FPImage uses 64bit per pixel is beyond me! The original author of
FPImage clearly thought he/she saw something cool in that, but 99.99999%
of the time *nobody* needs that. It's causing more grief (and code to do
conversions) than anything else.

The 64bit is the maximum limit. I doubt the 99.99999%. Image editing
require more than 8bit per channel since decades.

And that is why we decided to use 64-bit.

I never got the one size to rule them all mentality.

I understand that code for more complex code like advanced filters won't be
written for various bitsizes and subformats.  But run of the mills
usage IMHO should be in the format closer to both disk and display.

This is also a valid design choice. One we didn't make at the time.
You can discuss for ages about it.

It was decided at the time to use 64-bit for the API. To reduce memory usage, other storage formats have been introduced by e.g.
Mattias. But the API remains 64 bit.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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