On 4/27/2017 12:22 PM, Ewald wrote:
> On 27/04/17 20:49, Ralf Quint wrote:
>> I try to include some initialized constants/variables in an application
>> of mine, but somehow stumbled upon a stupid little problem that I can't
>> figure out myself after nights on the computer.
>> I see in the reference docs (section 4.4) examples for arrays and
>> examples for records, but in my case, I would need to properly define an
>> array of records.
> Something like this?
> Type
>       TA = Record
>               a: Integer;
>       End;
> Var
>       SomeArray: Array[0..1] of TA = (
>               (a: 42;),
>               (a: 17;)
>       );
Never mind, I just found my problem. Quite embarrassing for someone
programming in Pascal for 41 years, who should know better as to where
to put a comma and where to put a semicolon... :-[
Just picture me slapping myself hard for the next hour or two... :-!


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