On 09/06/17 19:28, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
Debian asks to build Lazarus for mips.

It fails with
(9009) Assembling lazbuild
(9022) Compiling resource ../units/mips-linux/nogui/lazbuild.or
Error: Architecture mips is not available for elf format
lazbuild.lpr(1871) Error: (9029) Error while compiling resources

Can someone shed some light on this error message and what is needed to
compile lazarus on mips please?

It's an error from fpcres. At first sight, both fcl-res and fpcres should both support ELF/MIPS, so it will need a bit of debugging.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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