On Wed, 4 Oct 2017, Ryan Joseph wrote:

On Oct 4, 2017, at 4:26 PM, Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:

You can do so by overriding the newinstance and it's sister method of
your enumerator class.

Can you explain how this works or give an example? Not sure how these gets 
around the problem of alloc/dealloc for each iterator.

Careful, the iterator is instantiated only once per loop ?

Newinstance allocates the memory for a new instance of the class.
By default this is GetMem(instanceSize).

What you can do is allocate somewhere a block of the correct size, once, and always return this single block.

Of course, you need to know for sure that only 1 instance of your enumerator
will be active at any given point in your program. If there are multiple, you could allocate a static array and allocate from that.

The FreeInstance procedure does a freemem, by default, but you can change
that to do nothing. (in case of an array, you mark the element unused)


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