On Fri, 27 Oct 2017, Ryan Joseph wrote:

In the latest version of MacOS calls to InitThread starting crashing so I
removed the InitThread/DoneThread pair and surprisingly nothing broke.  I
was instructed some years ago to include these in my threads to support
the FPC runtime but what are they really for?  I wasn’t able to get any
support as to why their crashing but if they’re needed I’d like to omit
them obviously.

Normally they are called internally when needed.

Why you were advised to include these calls explicitly ?

The only reason I can think of is when your code runs in a DLL, called by an
application that creates threads externally, or when you have callbacks from
a DLL which can be called from a thread created by the DLL.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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