Hi again,

(too many sub threads, answering here - thanks to all helpers!)

OK, "$FPC -va | grep CPU" does the trick. If using the ppcrossarm:

marc@puma:/home/marc/program/fpc-cross/src/fpc/compiler > ./ppcrossarm -va|grep 
[0.004] Macro defined: CPUARMEL
[0.004] Macro defined: FPC_CPUCROSSCOMPILING
[0.004] Macro defined: CPUARM
[0.004] Macro defined: CPU32
[0.004] Macro defined: CPUINT32
[0.020] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUI386"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUAMD64"

See, an arm compiler. But when using the ppc binary in the same dir it
looks different. Here we go:

marc@puma:/home/marc/program/fpc-cross/src/fpc/compiler > ./ppc -va | grep CPU
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUX86_64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUAMD64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPU64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUX64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUINT64
[0.023] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUI386"
[0.023] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUAMD64"

What is that, is ppc used for bootstrapping the cross compiler
regardless of any other fpc maybe installed?

Next question is how to get started with lazarus and multiple compilers.
How do you do it, using configuration files for lazarus and starting
like "lazarus --primary-config-path= <path>"? Or are there other
possibilities to try?


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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