On Wed, 25 Apr 2018, Ingemar Ragnemalm wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:

Now that interface support has been added to the list of implemented
features of pas2js, we're looking to get feedback on what best to tackle

This time, the poll is not on the forum, so you do not need to have an
account to vote.

Here is a link to the poll:



I am very happy with pas2js and couldn't select any particular feature. What I want the most are more APIs, but I have been quite successful in implementing the ones I need so far. However, WebGL (which is interesting for me) is a big API so if anyone is working on that, or have figured out a way to auto-convert or something, I am interested.

Ah, webgl...

I had a look at this some time ago, and got depressed. Quickly closed the browser and didn't look back. Same for webaudio :(

We have a test project that helps with converting APIs, but it's still very rudimentary and needs lots of help. Check democlasstopas.pas in the demos.

Have I mentioned that I used pas2js on this year's Global Game Jam? Successfully!

Glad to hear it, we need more such success stories !

If you could make a new wiki page with some information about it, and link
to it from the main pas2js page, that would be hugely appreciated !

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