Op 02-05-18 om 11:28 schreef Ryan Joseph:
So I need to build the entire compiler and I get pas2js in the end? I didn’t 
realize it was built on the entire FPC compiler but I guess that makes sense.

Actually this makes no sense at all. Pas2js is a separate product that we should be able to distribute separately from the compiler.

I'm working on a solution. I have it even finished, but only for fpc-trunk. I thought it would be better to let it gain momentum before porting it to fpc 3.0.4, but now you convinced me that adding it to 3.0.4 also could help gaining momentum.

I hope I can finish it for fpc 3.0.4 in a few days. Then you can simply install the latest pas2js version, without having to update the whole of FPC.


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