On 14/06/2018 13:43, Ryan Joseph wrote:

On Jun 14, 2018, at 5:18 PM, Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaert...@netcologne.de> wrote:

If you only want that, why not use objects?
The real reason Jon Blow proposed this syntax is because it allows you keep 
continuous arrays of memory which you can index into using struts.
The fact it mimics multiple inheritance (something Pascal doesn’t have anyways) 
is just a bonus.

You can do that without the "with"
record TFoo
  Bar: TOtherRecord; // has a field abc

The only thing is that you need to access the field by its fully qualified name Foo.Bar.abc, instead of Foo.abc.
Which is good, because you can have

record TFoo
  Bar: TOtherRecord; // has a field abc
  Other: TOtherRecord; // has a field abc

and as with multiple inheritance "Foo.abc" would be ambiguous.

And as already was mentioned you can have properties to shortcut this.
But then the question came up why not:

record TFoo
  Bar: POtherRecord; // pointer
  property abc: xxx read Bar^.abc

Well because abc may be nil. But then it is no longer "continuous memory"
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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