Am 16.08.2018 um 12:47 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
Am 15.08.2018 um 17:29 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

On Wed, 15 Aug 2018, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:

But maybe you are using mode delphi ? If so, try separating out the
definition in a separate unit which is not compiled in delphi mode.
A global operator won't help at all as (currently) the operator won't
be visible during the specialization. Only if the operator is visible
during the *generic's* declaration it would be picked up.
That is contrary to the class operator, which is also only visible
specialization, after all.

Is there a reason for this behaviour ?
The operator of a record is visible together with the record, however a
global operator is not. When specializing the unit scope of the
declaration of the *generic* is restored thus no helpers or global
operators of the current scope are visible except they are part of the
type parameter.
I do want to try to change this in the future, but I need to be careful
to not open a different can of worms (as Delphi doesn't do it this way).
Purely reasoning in terms of data structures:

I would think you 'attach' operators to the type for which they are defined ?
If the 'attach' link structure contains the unit in which the operator
definition resides, you can check whether this unit is visible, and if
yes, the operator is 'usable'.
No, they are not attached. Remember that global operators don't need to reside in the same unit as the type they're operating on. And it would be rather useless time to search for existing operator overloads for any type when the program uses none of them in the end. Thus the compiler looks for operators on the fly once it encounters the use of one, it's just like looking for method calls with a slightly different syntax. The scope of a structured type is always looked in first and then all units in the scope are searched for global operators.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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