On Tue, 19 Mar 2019, LacaK wrote:


I am trying work with fpPDF. I can create PDF document, but character out of ASCII range are displayed wrong (in PDF file they are stored as UTF8). Probably it is because I use standard Courier font, which is expecting only "Latin characters" ? I use:

FontIndex := PDF.AddFont('Courier'); // --> test1.pdf

When I want to use TTF font:

FontIndex := PDF.AddFont('cour.ttf','CourierNew');  // --> test2.pdf
(nothing else this line has changed)

I get strange PDF file (I can open it but content is wrong)

What I am doing wrong? Is there way how to get correct PDF with characters from Latin2 code page?

Not to my knowledge. You must use unicode for characters outside the ASCII range.

Is there way how to get correct PDF file WITHOUT embedding full Courier font?

You can embed only the needed characters for every font ?

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