About ctrl+shift+arrow key: Do you know any documentation on how to implement this. What API to call, to let the screen reader know?

Also for other modifications needed, any documentation?


On 16/04/2019 14:31, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
For now, I would like to thank you, that you have allowed visually impaired users to use edit field inside source code wiev. Screen readers users are even notified about line number on focus. Sure, because it is not standard Windows Microsoft Edit control, it is impossible to use CTRL+SHIFT+arrow keys to assign some block of text with screen reader, but I know, that also commercial Delphi which uses his own controls not standard Windows controls from Microsoft have similar issue. The most difficulty question is to determine, what is more complex. Modify Lazarus component sources or customize NVDA screen reader for accessibility of non standard controls.

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