Am 20.11.19 um 07:56 schrieb Sven Barth via fpc-pascal:
Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal < <>> schrieb am Mi., 20. Nov. 2019, 04:36:

    I came across get_caller_frame  in some unrelated code and I was
    just curious about this so I wanted to ask.

    What does get_caller_frame return exactly? Is this a pointer to a
    stack frame that could be copied to the heap? I'm still interested
    in how we could add some form of coroutine like behaviors to pascal
    and so I was wondering if we could copy/restore the current stack
    pointer so that SetJmp and LongJmp would not blow things up.

It returns the address of the caller's frame pointer. See also

It's mainly used in context of raising exceptions with the help of a second function. See here:

For the record: the reliability of this function is limited, in particular in combination with optimization.

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