On Sun, 21 Jun 2020, Jean SUZINEAU wrote:

Le 19/06/2020 à 13:55, Darius Blaszyk via fpc-pascal a écrit :
      Schema::create('flights', function (Blueprint $table) {


I have something that looks a bit like this, a kind of ORM (sorry, part of my identifiers are in 
French, "champ" means "field")

... in the class declaration

  //champs persistants
    nUser: Integer;
    nProject: Integer;
    Beginning: TDateTime; cBeginning: TChamp;
    End_     : TDateTime; cEnd      : TChamp;
    Description: String;

... in the implementation of the constructor :

     Champs.ChampDefinitions.NomTable:= 'Work';

     //champs persistants
     Integer_from_ ( nUser          , 'nUser'          );
     Integer_from_ ( nProject       , 'nProject'       );

     cBeginning:= DateTime_from_( Beginning      , 'Beginning'      );
     cBeginning.Definition.Format_DateTime:= 'yyyy/mm/dd" "hh:nn';

     cEnd:= DateTime_from_( End_           , 'End'            );
     cEnd.Definition.Format_DateTime:= 'yyyy/mm/dd" "hh:nn';

(this is extracted from class TblWork from

This class is for a row of the table "Work", most of the time, the instance is 
initialized by reading a row of dataset, but I've
started some code to read from some other source, like android database or JSON 

I've made a source code generator which can query the structure of a database, 
and generate source codes from templates.
Particularly it can create the skeleton of unit ublWork.pas which contains 
class TblWork

FPC contains this as well since many years, you can drop the components on a 
form, but they
are exposed in the lazarus database desktop as well.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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