> On Aug 12, 2020, at 5:39 PM, Tomas Hajny <xhaj...@hajny.biz> wrote:
> Yes. Please, provide the same output if you add "uses process;" to empty.pas. 
> Also, please provide output of "ls -l 
> /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.2.0/units/x86_64-darwin/fcl-process/process.ppu".

Here's that. Is it possible I overwrote the files somehow? I was rebuilding the 
trunk and RTL just the other day to get some changes and maybe I did something 

~$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.2.0/units/x86_64-darwin/fcl-process/process.ppu
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  59458 Aug  9 09:40 

and using process unit:

~$ fpc -vu /Users/ryanjoseph/Developer/Projects/FPC/Various/empty.pas 
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.0 [2020/05/31] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2020 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Darwin for x86_64
Compiling /Users/ryanjoseph/Developer/Projects/FPC/Various/empty.pas
(PROGRAM)  Registering new unit SYSTEM
(PROGRAM)  Load from TEST (implementation) unit SYSTEM
(SYSTEM)   Loading unit SYSTEM
(SYSTEM)   PPU Name: /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.2.0/units/x86_64-darwin/rtl/system.ppu
(SYSTEM)   PPU Time: 2020/06/01 02:22:50
(SYSTEM)   PPU Flags: 159873
(SYSTEM)   PPU Crc: A0492A36 (intfc)
(SYSTEM)   PPU Crc: BDAFAB66 (indc)
(SYSTEM)   Number of definitions: 2625
(SYSTEM)   Number of symbols: 8067
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: system.pp not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysunixh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: systemh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysosh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: pmutext.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: rtldefs.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: filerec.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: textrec.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: innr.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: cpuh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: cpuinnr.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: mathh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: currh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ustringh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: setjumph.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: rttih.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: objpash.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: varianth.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: dynarrh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: compproc.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: heaph.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: threadh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: dynlibh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysdlh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: resh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: excepth.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: system.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysos.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: errno.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ostypes.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ptypes.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ctypes.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: pmutext.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: signal.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: x86_64/sig_cpu.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ../x86/sig_x86.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: osmacro.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: oscdeclh.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: oscdecl.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: cgeneric.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: cgenstr.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: x86_64.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: generic.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: set.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: genset.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: cgenmath.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: math.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: genmath.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: gencurr.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sstrings.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: flt_conv.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: flt_core.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: flt_pack.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: flt_pack.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: int64p.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: int64.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: astrings.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ustrings.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: aliases.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: rttidecl.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: dynarr.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: objpas.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: except.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: variant.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: rtti.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: setjump.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysheap.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: heap.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: thread.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: threadvr.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: dynlib.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysfile.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: text.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: file.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: typefile.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: isotmp.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysdir.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sysres.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: sighnd.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   PPU Source: ../x86/x86hnd.inc not available
(SYSTEM)   Finished loading unit SYSTEM
(TEST)     Registering new unit FPINTRES
(TEST)     Load from TEST (implementation) unit FPINTRES
(FPINTRES) PPU Time: 2020/06/01 02:22:50
(FPINTRES) PPU Flags: 143489
(FPINTRES) PPU Crc: 1102202B
(FPINTRES) PPU Crc: 8E597263 (intfc)
(FPINTRES) Number of definitions: 33
(FPINTRES) Number of symbols: 97
(FPINTRES) PPU Source: fpintres.pp not available
(FPINTRES) PPU Source: intres.inc not available
(FPINTRES) Load from FPINTRES (interface) unit SYSTEM
(FPINTRES) Adding dependency: FPINTRES depends on SYSTEM
(FPINTRES) Finished loading unit FPINTRES
(TEST)     Registering new unit OBJPAS
(TEST)     Load from TEST (implementation) unit OBJPAS
(OBJPAS)   Loading unit OBJPAS
(OBJPAS)   PPU Name: /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.2.0/units/x86_64-darwin/rtl/objpas.ppu
(OBJPAS)   PPU Time: 2020/06/01 02:22:50
(OBJPAS)   PPU Flags: 143490
(OBJPAS)   PPU Crc: 2E3EFC00 (intfc)
(OBJPAS)   PPU Crc: 74F5D930 (indc)
(OBJPAS)   Number of definitions: 68
(OBJPAS)   Number of symbols: 149
(OBJPAS)   PPU Source: objpas.pp not available
(OBJPAS)   Load from OBJPAS (interface) unit SYSTEM
(OBJPAS)   Adding dependency: OBJPAS depends on SYSTEM
(OBJPAS)   Finished loading unit OBJPAS
(TEST)     Registering new unit PROCESS
(TEST)     Load from TEST (implementation) unit PROCESS
(PROCESS)  Loading unit PROCESS
(PROCESS)  PPU Invalid Version 208
PPU Loading /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.2.0/units/x86_64-darwin/fcl-process/process.ppu
empty.pas(5,3) Fatal: Can't find unit process used by test
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/local/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode

        Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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