Am 28.05.2022 um 14:04 schrieb Benito van der Zander via fpc-pascal:

Sort((left, right) begin
                     if left < right then
                       result := -1
                     else if left > right then
                       result := 1
                       result := 0;

One could introduce the @ operator to get a reference to a block of code.

Sort( @(left, right) begin
                     if left < right then
                       result := -1
                     else if left > right then
                       result := 1
                       result := 0;

The sequence "@(identifier" is already a valid sequence (because "@(SomeVar)" is valid) and I'm definitely and absolutely against introducing another ambigous syntax as I already have enough headaches with Delphi's generic syntax.

The "result" variable is also ugly. You could make "if" an expression:

Sort( @(left, right) begin
                     result :=
                       if left < right then -1
                       else if left > right then 1
                       else 0;

Allowing if (and case) to be an expression, too, is something I'm still toying with independantly of this...

Then the begin end could be removed too. Make @:= an operator to turn an expression to a function

Sort( @(left, right) :=
                        if left < right then -1
                        else if left > right then 1
                        else 0;

I personally would have a bit more verbose syntax though it would have the same problem regarding type inference which would be an absolute PITA to implement (not to mention the opposition from the other core devs):

=== code begin ===

Sort(lamba (left, right) as
  if left < right then -1
  else if left > right then 1
  else 0);

=== code end ===

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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